About Us
- To preserve and maintain all things relating to the Brush motor car for future generations.
- To maintain through our members a supply of information on Brush related material for dissemination as required
- To promote the use of Brush motor cars through tours, display and other means as required.
- To provide where possible a spare parts service to members.
More on these wonderful and unique pieces of automotive history can be appreciated in the publication:
A Tribute to Alanson P Brush, Self taught Engineer, Designer and Manufacturer of The Brush Runabouts –
The Brush Runabout Everyman’s Car 1907 to 1913, researched and complied by Bob Lamond.
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for purpose of private study, research, criticism or review permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be stored or reproduced by any person without prior written permission from Robert A Lamond.
Further fascinating reading on the 1912 crossing from west to east of Australia is shared by Bob Lamond in his new publication found below. Again, please note, the copyright on this publication.
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for purpose of private study, re- search, criticism or review permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be stored or reproduced by any person without prior written permission from Robert A Lamond.